The Complex Litigator

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BREAKING NEWS: Petition for Review granted in Kwikset Corporation v. Superior Court (Benson)

You may recall Kwikset Corporation v. Superior Court (Benson) (Feb. 25, 2009). That's the opinion in which the Court of Appeal (Fourth Appellate District, Divsion Three) held that if you want to buy a "Made in U.S.A." product, and you spend money to get it, and that claim was false, in violation of California law, you still don't have standing to bring a UCL suit because you weren't damaged. On June 10, 2009, in a unanimous vote, the California Supreme Court granted the Petition for Review. When this lawsuit is finally resolved, the grandchildren of the current lawyers will be representing the decendents of the parties (Benson v. Kwikset was one of the Proposition 64 cases). See this post on The UCL Practitioner for a sharp commentary about the Court of Appeal's Opinion.