The Complex Litigator

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Episode 24 of the Class Re-Action Podcast is finally available

In the past two months I’ve had the pleasure of a 3:30 a.m. fire evacuation, multiple power outages thanks to the dipsticks in charge of SCE, a multi-week virus of some sort, and an internet outage in our area that left my poor child struggling to survive. Oh, the humanity! All of that combined with a cold Linh had to put us off track. Course corrected. We are back at it, despite some audio equipment problems today. Sigh. I need a new computer that can handle the piggish software from Adobe that I use.

Enjoy Episode 24. We discuss Naranjo v. Spectrum Security Services, Inc.

UPDATE: I did some more work on the audio. If your audio player already pulled the episode down on publication, you might want to delete it and reload the episode. I extracted more of the echo to make listening a bit less painful.