Check out the September 12, 2018 edition of the Daily Journal for a pithy comment on Troester

As in full of pith. With a young attorney in my firm, Lilit Ter-Astvatsatryan, we wrote an opinion column for the Daily Journal, published on September 12, 2018 and entitled Unaccounted Time: Reading the tea leaves of Troester. Wait, something is wrong with that. If Lilit is a young attorney, then I am old. So let’s start again…

With a colleague at my firm, Lilit Ter-Astvatsatryan, we wrote an opinion column for the Daily Journal, published on September 12, 2018 and entitled Unaccounted Time: Reading the tea leaves of Troester. Much better.

I congratulate Lilit on her first foray into craven and shameless self-promotion.