Minor blog formatting adjustments and new tools...

SquareSpace rolled out some new features, one of which you will find in the right sidebar.  SquareSpace now stores Twitter posts on its own servers to speed load times.  The widget is also interactive, allowing you to navigate back through older Twitter posts.

While I was at it, I slightly expanded the width of the content area and then increased the font size for posts to improve readability.  If these sorts of things matter to you, feel free to leave a comment.

The beauty of SquareSpace...

is that it allows for quite a bit of tinkering with site layout on the fly.  See, SquareSpace for some examples of how far you can go with their hosting platform.  This is both good and bad.  The good part is self-evident.  The bad part is that you can lose hours and hours of time creating graphics and adjusting layouts without realizing it.  So don't mind my tinkering with the layout; once I got started, I had to keep going until I was marginally satisfied with it.  I was bored, and I may tinker more.  So don't be surprised if the blog looks a little different every day.

Speaking of adjustments, the page-width header and "floating" banner required very precise pixel registration of some graphics.  Interestingly, chrome rendered part of the header 1 pixel off from how both Internet Explorer and Firefox render the same images.  I suspect that there is difference in how the browsers handle a rounding issue.  Regardless, everything now aligns in Chrome, Firefox 3.6, and Internet Explorer 8.  I can't help the rest of you.