The Complex Litigator

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PRODUCT SUGGESTION: Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Once again I find myself apologizing for the hiatus in blogging. I've been in depositions all over the place, dealing with massive document productions, and writing to the point of stupor. I've decided to add an additional topic that I've flirted with on this blog in the past. Specifically, I am going to mention (in short posts) some technology products that have made my life easier in different ways or are of notable quality (I'm not going to try to do comprehensive product reviews - plenty of people do that online). Some products will be nothing more than a $10 accessory, and some will be like this one, a full computer.

The product:  The Surface Pro 3 from Microsoft.

The good:  The digital pen is extremely accurate.  When you couple the Surface Pro 3 with OneNote (which I am realizing is an awesome tool) and the digital pen, you get exceedingly good handwriting recognition and a great note-taking device for hearings.  Convert your written notes to text with the accurate OCR in OneNote. The device is a full PC that is very portable, attractive, and very well built.

Where to find it: Microsoft Store or other retailers

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for any positive comments about this product, and I was not asked to review this product.