Episode 32 of the Class Re-Action Podcast is now available


Episode 32 of the Class Re-Action Podcast is now out. We discuss Magadia v. Wal-Mart Associates, Inc. (9th Cir. May 28, 2021). And I try to get Linh to let me explain California’s wage & hour laws to employers, but she doesn’t let me.

Episode 31 of The Class Re-Action Podcast is now available


Episode 31 of the Class Re-Action Podcast is now out. We discuss Donohue v. AMN Services, LLC (February 25, 2021). And Killer Robot Dogs. And my eventual Evil Mastermind lair in a secret glacier base.

Betancourt v. OS Restaurant Services, LLC says you still cannot get fees in a wage and hour case seeking meal and rest break premiums


Kirby v. Immoos Fire Protection, Inc., 53 Cal. 4th 1244 (2012) said that actions for failure to provide meal periods and rest breaks are not actions for non-payment of wages under Labor Code § 218.5. In Betancourt v. OS Restaurant Services, LLC (May 21, 2020), the Court of Appeal (Second Appellate District, Division Eight) says the same thing. There is a bit of discussion about what “predicate” violation was alleged (the plaintiff arguing that it was faulty record-keeping), but the Court was not persuaded to deviate from a growing list of decisions considering how to treat premium pay “penalties” and derivative claims under sections 203 and 226.

ZB, N.A., et al. v. Superior Court (Lawson) holds that "wages" are not recoverable as a PAGA penalty through Labor Code section 558


So, it turns out that the answer to my question is GOAT, not goat (he says with tongue planted firmly in cheek). ZB, N.A., et al. v. Superior Court (Lawson) (September 12, 2019) was issued this morning, and, unsurprisingly I think, the Supreme Court dropped an off speed pitch over the plate and froze everybody. You could see the windup with the italics added by the Court to this passage:

Before the enactment of the PAGA, section 558 gave the Labor Commissioner authority to issue overtime violation citations for “a civil penalty as follows: [¶] (1) For any initial violation, fifty dollars ($50) for each underpaid employee for each pay period for which the employee was underpaid in addition to an amount sufficient to recover underpaid wages. [¶] (2) For each subsequent violation, one hundred dollars ($100) for each underpaid employee for each pay period for which the employee was underpaid in addition to an amount sufficient to recover underpaid wages.” (Id., subd. (a), italics added.)

Slip op, at 1-2. See that? It’s the tell for what’s coming:

What we conclude is that the civil penalties a plaintiff may seek under section 558 through the PAGA do not include the “amount sufficient to recover underpaid wages.” Although section 558 authorizes the Labor Commissioner to recover such an amount, this amount –– understood in context –– is not a civil penalty that a private citizen has authority to collect through the PAGA. ZB’s motion concerned solely that impermissible request for relief. Because the amount for unpaid wages is not recoverable under the PAGA, and section 558 does not otherwise permit a private right of action, the trial court should have denied the motion. We affirm the Court of Appeal’s decision on that ground. On remand, the trial court may consider striking the unpaid wages allegations from Lawson’s complaint, permitting her to amend the complaint, and other measures.

Slip op., at 2-3. So that’s it then.

There is, of course, a bit more, given that the Opinion is 30 pages long, but after the procedural history, the balance of the discussion is a detailed example of statutory construction. For instance, the Court finds that the wages referred to in Section 558 must be treated as a compensatory wage, else the provision would be internally inconsistent with Section 1197.1. Read it, if for no other reason than to see the thoroughness with which a sentence can be parsed, and persuasively I might add.

The Court was unanimous in its decision.

It isn’t entirely clear who you would call the “winner” here, given the disconnect between affirming the Court of Appeal and the practical result, but James L. Morris, Brian C. Sinclair and Gerard M. Mooney, of Rutan & Tucker, represented the Petitioners, who no longer have to deal with the potential for an award of unpaid wages as part of Section 558 penalties under PAGA.

Episode 23 of the Class Re-Action Podcast, discussing L'Chaim House, Inc. v. DLSE, is now available


Still on a show bender, we are back with Episode 23 of the Class Re-Action Podcast. We discuss the unicorn known as the “on-duty meal period” by chatting about L'Chaim House, Inc. v. Div. of Labor Standards Enforcement (July 31, 2019).

People keep telling me they prefer shorter shows more often, so we are sticking with it for a while. And, as always, guests are welcome if you want to talk about something recent that interests you.

Episode 22 of the Class Re-Action podcast, discussing Voris v. Lampert, is now available


This is almost looking like a trend. We are back with Episode 22 of the Class Re-Action Podcast. We discuss Voris v. Lampert (August 15, 2019), but I don’t know if we will convert anyone with our analysis. Ahhhh?!?!

NOTE: Correcting a comment I made on the podcast about Lawson, somehow I got it stuck in my head that opinions are due 60 days after submission. It’s 90 days, and I’m either becoming senile or too much junk is taking up valuable storage space in my head.

In Voris v. Lampert, the California Supreme Court finally provides the definitive answer to the question of whether wages can be recovered via a conversion tort claim


I recall that in the early 2000’s it was common to see a conversion claim for relief included in a wage & hour complaint, on the theory that the wages owed and unpaid were property of the employee. When this was challenged by demurrer, I observed that the demurrer was successful well over half the time, but there wasn’t a definitive appellate ruling on point. The demurrers that worked would usually focus on the argument that a conversion tort for money had to specifically identify the precise amount in question (essentially, identify the specific cash in question).

Today, in Boris v. Lampert (August 15, 2019) the California Supreme Court answers a question I long ago quit wondering about: whether a conversion claim is cognizable for unpaid wages. In a split 5-2 decision, the Supreme Court said it was not.

The conversion of specific sums of money guided the majority’s analysis:

The employee’s claim is not that the employer has wrongfully exercised dominion over a specifically identifiable pot of money that already belongs to the employee—in other words, the sort of wrong that conversion is designed to remedy. Rather, the employee’s claim is that the employer failed to reach into its own funds to satisfy its debt. Indeed, in some cases of wage nonpayment, the monies out of which employees would be paid may never have existed in the first place. Take, for example,a failed start-up that generates no income and thus finds itself unable to pay its employees. Because the business accounts are empty, there would not be any identifiable monies for the employer to convert. No one would dispute that the start-up is indebted to its employees. But only in the realm of fiction could a court conclude that the business, by failing to earn the money needed to pay wages, has somehow converted that nonexistent money to its own use.

Slip op., at 15. The majority expressed some concern about the consequences of layering tort liability over what has traditionally been a species of contract recovery:

But a conversion claim is an awfully blunt tool for deterring intentional misconduct of this variety.As noted,conversion is a strict liability tort. It does not require bad faith, knowledge, or even negligence; it requires only that the defendant have intentionally done the act depriving the plaintiff of his or her rightful possession. (Moore, supra, 51 Cal.3d at p. 144, fn. 38; Poggi, supra, 167 Cal. at p.375.) For that reason, conversion liability for unpaid wages would not only reach those who act in bad faith, but also those who make good-faith mistakes—for example, an employer who fails to pay the correct amount in wages because of a glitch in the payroll system or a clerical error. We see no sufficient justification for layering tort liability on top of the extensive existing remedies demanding that this sort of error promptly be fixed.

Slip op., at 25.

I won’t go into great detail on the dissent, but it is pointed, and is well-encapsulated by this passage, which rejects the notion that wage payment recovery is best handled under contract theories:

In California, unpaid wages are not merely contractual obligations to pay a sum. This is because, as we long ago observed, “wages are not ordinary debts.” (In re Trombley (1948) 31 Cal.2d 801, 809, italics added.)

Slip op., Dissent of Cuellar, at 3. This comment is also interesting: “For some time, plaintiffs in wage cases have routinely included a claim for conversion.” Slip op., Dissent of Cuellar, at 7. It is a somewhat feisty dissent. I like it for the conviction. In closing, the dissent observes that it seems illusory to treat theft of stocks as a conversion but deny similar treatment to wages owed.

I’m not 100% settled on where I come down on these competing arguments, but, for purposes of California law, the majority defines where things stand.

Labor Code section 218.5 controls contractual attorney fee provisions when wage and contract claims are intertwined


This is a little nugget for the wage & hour set. In a matter of first impression, the Court of Appeal (Fourth Appellate District, Division Three), in Dane-Elec Corp. v. Bodokh (May 24, 2019) considered the effect of Labor Code section 218.5 on a prevailing party employer’s right to recover contract-based attorney fees from an employee where the employer successfully defended against a wage claim, found not to have been brought in bad faith, when the wage claim was inextricably intertwined with a contract claim for which the employer would otherwise be contractually entitled to recover attorney fees.

The Court described Labor Code section 218.5 as follows:

Labor Code section 218.5 is a fee-shifting statute in actions for nonpayment of wages. The first sentence of section 218.5(a) states: “In any action brought for the nonpayment of wages, fringe benefits, or health and welfare or pension fund contributions, the court shall award reasonable attorney’s fees and costs to the prevailing party if any party to the action requests attorney’s fees and costs upon the initiation of the action.”There is a significant limitation if the prevailing party is not an employee. The second sentence of section 218.5 (a) states: “However, if the prevailing party in the court action is not an employee, attorney’s fees and costs shall be awarded pursuant to this section only if the court finds that the employee brought the court action in bad faith.”

Slip op., at 15. The issue in the case arose because the wage claim and a contract claim were inexplicably intertwined. The Court resolved the question after looking at apportionment rules and the purpose of similar fee-shifting statutes, such as the Cartwright Act. The Court observed that while section 218.5 isn’t exactly a one-way fee shifting statute, the bad faith requirement effectively renders it a one-way fee-shifting statute that favors employees.

Timbs v. Indiana to be cited in PAGA cases in 3...2...1...


On Wednesday, February 20, 2019, the United States Supreme Court held, in Timbs v. Indiana, that the Eighth Amendment’s ban on excessive fines applies to the states. You can find plenty of analysis about this decision out there as it applies to things like state asset forfeiture laws, so I won’t even try to duplicate all of that analysis here, But it occurs to me that we should expect to see this holding tossed into the mix in PAGA cases on the theory that a large PAGA penalty violates the Eighth Amendment. How well that works remains to be seen, since, just spitballing here, a large PAGA penalty is pretty much only going to arise when an employer has lots of employees and violates lots of wage and hour provisions lots of times. Of course, out at the fringe, this argument might have some traction. I’m sure we’ll see in the next few years.

I'm moving to an up-and-coming employment law firm...


A awesome opportunity came my way quite recently, and I can now announce that I am joining Moon & Yang, effective February 25, 2019, where I will be focusing exclusively on employment class actions. I received quite a vote of confidence from the partners, for which I am very grateful. With a surging employment practice, this is a chance to great things.